Thursday, February 25, 2010


It's a Thursday night in Spain and I'm...studying?! Yes, yes I am, because I need to pass my test tomorrow morning:)I actually have all my vocabulary words pretty down...oh you know...all 200 of them. I'm still correcting my essay as well but since it's under 300 hundred words, it's really fast to do. I honestly didn't think I was going to study this hard here, hehe but I gotta do what I gotta do to get my A. I'm just super excited because I'm finally sick free hopefully and going to Morocco, whoot whoot! Yep be jealous;) So here are a few more pics because I feel like I'm not sharing enough of my obsession with pictures. The last picture is from Carnaval de Cadiz. There was thousands of people's similar to our Halloween where people get drunk in the streets and no body cares, in other words, it's a huge outdoor party with tons of costumes, really fun!

Itálica Ruins

Today I went to see the Itálica Ruins, one word=amazing. It was raining a bit so picture taking was hard but I still managed to sneak in a few. I still need to read up on the history because I wasn't really listening to our guide. It was gorgeous and I would definitely see it again to actually walk through the entire site. Here are a few pics and one at a cafe.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Better day

So I'm feeling a lot better today and surprise surprise the weather is beautiful too. I have more time today since I just took a test this morning so all I have left is a short essay to write for tomorrow but no biggie. And...I don't have to work today so I have a free day too, so excited. Tonight I finally get to go out since I can function a little more and going out to eat with a friend from school (back in the states). This weekend I'm going to....drum roll please....Morocco!!! I'm so excited words can't explain. I'm just hoping the weather is nice to us and it'll be sunny. I haven't been taking too many pictures but here are a few from my bedroom and neighboorhood in case your curious where I sleep.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Sunny day...?

For the past week, I've been sick & pretty much glued to my bed. The weather here has been extremely crappy with days filled with rain. But's sunny!!! I'm going to tutor in less than 5 minutes and have class after but here are a few pics of a Cathedral I went to see last Friday. Enjoy...

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Beautiful views...


Hey everyone!
It's been almost a week here in Seville and I have one word to say, AMAZING. Life here is great, the scenery is beautiful, the people are beautiful, and the food is great. Not to mention the 60 degree weather! The walk to school isn't too bad, I've gotten used to it. My feet however, are still getting used to the long hauls I've been making. Honestly, I can say that I probably walk about 6 miles a day. I really should have invested in one of the pedometers to see how much I really walk. Here are some pics of my new home...

Monday, February 1, 2010

Two days!

I'm going to have a long night tonight. I haven't started packing yet, big surprise. I leave in two days and to be honest, have nothing ready. But...I'll get it done! Over the weekend my sister threw me a good-bye party. It was lots of fun! She made Spanish dishes that were delicious, my favorite was the flan. I also received some cute gifts from my friends, thanks guys. I love them all, I really do. Shit, I can't believe the time has come already for my butt to leave America, ah.